Assessing your modus operandi

The Kolbe assessment is a game-changer in the realm of assessments because it is the first to evaluate how you naturally approach challenges and make decisions.


9/28/20234 min lezen

Ready to level up your entrepreneurial game? Your 4-digit Kolbe code holds the key.

You know your IQ and personality traits, but do you know your operating mode?

Enter the Kolbe A, a game-changer in the realm of assessments because it is the first to evaluate how you naturally approach challenges and make decisions. Instead of focusing on your feelings or thoughts, the assessment examines your actions.

The benefits of understanding your unique operating mode

Knowing how you naturally approach challenges, you can tailor your problem-solving strategies to align with your strengths. This can lead to increased productivity, satisfaction, and success.

What is the Kolbe A index?

The Kolbe An index assessment includes 36 questions that are designed to measure how you naturally solve problems and take action without overthinking. The assessment typically takes around 20–30 minutes to complete, and the results provide deep insights into how you naturally approach challenges.

The Four Kolbe Action Modes

Fact Finder: information gathering preferences.
Are you someone who thrives on meticulous research and analysis, or do you prefer to rely on instinct and broad concepts? You enjoy diving deep into data if you have a high Fact Finder score. You conduct thorough investigations and make well-informed decisions based on comprehensive information. On the other hand, individuals with a lower Fact Finder score may rely more on instinct and broad concepts, preferring to gather information quickly and make decisions based on their intuition.

Follow Through: organization and structure capabilities.
Do you excel at planning and executing tasks systematically, or prefer a more flexible, adaptable approach? Individuals with a high Follow Through score prefer clear processes, well-defined roles, and step-by-step approaches. This will help streamline operations and improve overall efficiency. In contrast, individuals with a lower Follow Through score may prefer a more flexible and adaptable approach, embracing spontaneity and adjusting their plans as needed.

Quick Start: innovativeness and willingness to embrace change.
Are you a trailblazer who loves taking risks, or do you lean toward cautious, methodical planning? If you have a high score, you thrive in fast-paced environments and are often the first to try innovative strategies. On the other hand, individuals with a lower Quick Start score may lean toward cautious, methodical planning, preferring to thoroughly evaluate options and minimize risks before taking action.

Implementor: practical problem-solving abilities.
Are you hands-on and skilled at physical tasks, or do you prefer working in the realm of ideas and concepts? Individuals with a high Implementor score are hands-on and skilled at physical tasks. They enjoy building, creating, and working with tangible materials. Conversely, individuals with a lower Implementor score may prefer working with ideas and concepts, focusing on strategic thinking, and finding innovative solutions without necessarily getting involved in the physical execution.


Suppose you have a high Follow Through score, indicating a preference for organization and structure. In that case, you can leverage this strength to create clear processes and well-defined roles within your business. This can lead to increased efficiency, smoother operations, and better teamwork.

Suppose you have a high Quick Start score, indicating a willingness to embrace change and take risks. In that case, you can leverage this trait to pursue innovative ideas and capitalize on emerging opportunities. On the other hand, if you have a high Fact Finder score, indicating a preference for meticulous research and analysis, you can use this strength to gather comprehensive information before making crucial business decisions.

By aligning your actions with your operating mode, you can increase your productivity, find greater satisfaction in your work, and ultimately achieve greater success.

Your four-digit Kolbe code

Your four-digit code represents your unique conative profile, which reflects your natural problem-solving style within each action mode. It is important to note that the code is not a simple linear scale from 1 to 10.

  • Lower is not worse, and higher is not better. It signifies your natural tendencies within that action mode.

  • A higher number in a specific mode indicates a stronger preference for that way of operating.

  • A lower number suggests a different inclination within that mode but doesn't imply a deficiency. Instead, it reflects your unique problem-solving style.

Putting the result into practice

Conables tips: the Dos and Don'ts

We frequently squander a lot of time and energy on things and activities we are not excellent at for a reason; thus, the report includes a range of dos and don'ts. You would naturally do the do's if you were free to be yourself, and the don'ts are what you would not normally do.

Balancing your energy

The report offers invaluable guidance on maximizing your productivity and minimizing stress by aligning your daily activities with your natural strengths. By following its recommendations, you can ensure that your time and energy are utilized most efficiently. The report breaks down your strengths using a measurement called ERGs and provides a clear pyramid visualization to show you how to allocate your time to each strength on a typical day.

The Kolbe A index gives entrepreneurs a unique perspective on their operating mode, offering deep insights into their problem-solving approaches and action-taking tendencies. By understanding their unique conative profile and the four key action modes, entrepreneurs can navigate their entrepreneurial journey precisely, leading to increased productivity, satisfaction, and success.

Take the Kolbe A index assessment today and unlock the key to leveling up your entrepreneurial game.