From expert to manager

Technical brilliance, while invaluable, does not automatically translate into effective leadership. The need for deliberate investment in leadership development is necessary for success in guiding teams toward collective excellence.


11/24/20232 min read

I've seen it happen time and time again: the most brilliant engineer is promoted from technical excellence to team leader and fails to live up to expectations.

Decoding leadership: unraveling the pitfalls of promoting experts to leadership roles

Why is this?

  1. Skills misalignment: the brilliant engineer may lack the necessary leadership skills to manage and inspire a team, despite technical expertise.

  2. Comfort in expertise: a new team leader, accustomed to technical intricacies, may struggle to shift focus from individual contribution to facilitating collective success. The temptation to stay within familiar technical challenges can hinder this transition.

  3. Communication challenges: effective leadership requires adept communication, including articulating a vision, setting expectations, and providing constructive feedback.

  4. Delegation dilemma: transitioning from individual task execution to team oversight requires mastering delegation. Engineers may struggle with entrusting tasks to others, impeding team growth and potential.

  5. Limited people management skills: people management goes beyond technical expertise. The team leader must navigate interpersonal dynamics, resolve conflicts, and cultivate a positive work environment.

  6. Resistance to change: leaders guide their teams through change. A skilled engineer focused on technical proficiency may resist leadership for organizational adaptation, hindering adaptability.

  7. Education and training gap: leadership requires intentional development, like any other skill. Many people mistakenly assume expertise equates to leadership brilliance.

  8. Lack of support: new managers are frequently left to navigate their roles without adequate support. Support and guidance are crucial to success.

Expectations for first-time leaders

Expertise focuses on personal work and individual goals, while leadership emphasizes guiding and supporting a team to achieve its goals.

  • Delegation

  • Feedback delivery

  • Motivation

  • Effective communication with teams and stakeholders

  • Actively listening

  • Providing feedback

  • Adjusting communication styles.

Expertise focuses on personal work and individual goals, while leadership emphasizes guiding and supporting a team to achieve its goals.

  • Delegation

  • Feedback delivery

  • Motivation

  • Effective communication with teams and stakeholders

  • Actively listening

  • Providing feedback

  • Adjusting communication styles.

Impact of not addressing the pitfalls of promoting experts to leadership roles

Ensuring the success of new managers:
a strategic approach.

  1. Thorough leadership assessment: utilize assessment tools to gauge leadership potential accurately.

  2. Personal development planning: craft a precise development plan with clear accountability.

  3. Training initiatives: provide opportunities for new managers to develop effective leadership skills.

  4. Mentorship and coaching: pair new managers with mentors or coaches to guide them in their new roles.

  5. A support network for new managers, allowing them to connect with peers who are going through similar challenges.

  6. Clear expectations: communicate transparently about the expectations and responsibilities associated with the management position.

  7. Regular communication: schedule consistent check-ins to provide feedback and support, keeping new managers on the right track.

When promoting an expert to a managerial role, it's essential to take a friendly and supportive approach. By offering concrete support through training, guidance, and clear communication, we can help avoid negative impacts on individuals, teams, and organizational performance.

The goal is to unlock leadership potential and ensure a seamless transition for a thriving organizational future.